I DO know because he doesn't smoke, he got it for a friend. Also, I was with him all day everyday. You're naive to assume things when you only know a fraction of the facts. He is an honest and open person and if he were to have marijuana on him everyday, I would've known. It's people like you who nit pick at every little detail and try to make a situation something it's not. Thank you for answering my question, as you only commented to make a negative remark and attempt to judge me based on the very little information you think you know about my fiancé. And I'm sure you'll come back with a, "Well he's on parole and incarcerated so..." LOL. Please spare me your negative opinion because at the end of the day it literally does not matter and won't change anything about his situation. Judging by other's posts you live to comment your negative opinion instead of giving advice, which was what I thought this forum was for. You're right, I must really be naive lol. Please don't respond because you'll simply be wasting your time. No matter how nasty I'm sure your response would be you won't get a further response from me. Have a lovely day!