passtime failure

Annette Kelly

New Member
After four years I'm almost finished paying for my car a car salesman from the company that I'm purchasing it from starts calling and texting wanting me to trade it in I told him no I didn't want five more years of payments two days later he calls and I didn't answer went to pick my mom up from work got ready to leave car won't start call my fiance he's on his way then the car cranks drop my mom off go home I cut car of start it up no problem next morning it won't crank check battery call a mechanic he checks the starter battery and alternator they are fine he tells me he believes that they have cut my car off I told him that was impossible because I've never missed a payment he tows my car to his shop checks it again calls me and tells me my car is off so I call the car company and ask they assured me that it wasn't cut off mechanic tows my car back shows everything he's done I call them back now they tell me my passwire is loose that it needs to be towed to their shop if it was the wire they'd fix it for free but if not I'd be responsible for tow and repairs I didn't feel comfortable letting my car be towed where I didn't know where it was she said a technician would have to diagnose the car so I paid a technician to come out and do that he said the pastime box had burned out even gave me the part number in the box I call them back this time they told me the exact date my car stop running and said it wasn't going to crank until I had it towed up there and the fixed it I then towed car to Midas and they put it on the computer and basically told me the same thing the tech told me so they are the only one can fix my car they picked it up a week ago then Monday call and said I needed a battery which my battery is only three months old and said they could put one in for 189.00 which 50.00 would be for them putting it in the car I bought a battery took it up there and put it in myself still nothing they don't call with updates or anything it's been one lie after another my car has been down going on two months I'm about to loose my job.And I'm still paying car notes.
That is a very sad story.
I hope someone doesn't have it in for you.
Your post contains 436 words and only two periods (both in the very last line). It is all but unreadable.

If you want people to take the time to read what you write, you need to make it easy for folks to do so by making at least a passing effort to use proper punctuation and paragraph breaks.
Here is what I made of the OP's post:

She is buying a previously owned car over time from a dealer.
Dealer appears to be using their own financing arrangement.
Her contract is approaching the end.
Salesperson calls OP and asks if she wants to buy another car.
OP declines, saying she doesn't want another five years worth of payments.

Dealer is using a technology known as "passtime" :

PassTime GPS | GPS Solutions for Automotive and Powersports Vehicles

This app seems to be able to track the car's whereabouts, I suppose to ensure the dealer's ability to "repo" the car if the buyer defaults on payments.

The OP seems to think the dealer disabled her car after she declined to purchase another vehicle from the dealer.

OP's suspicions were confirmed by independent analysis of a mechanic she hired to investigate the car's mysterious mechanical troubles.

OP said the dealer attempted to repair the vehicle but troubles with the car seemed to get worse.

The above is simply my UNDERSTANDING of the OP's post.

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