Criminal Records, Expungement Past Offense stopping me from living my life

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New Member
Jurisdiction/Place: USA - Arizona

First time poster on this site, and hopefully this would be the correct area to post this.

3 Years ago, I assaulted someone after losing my temper after being provoked for weeks. About 5-6 months ago I went to the courts to get this misdemeanor expunged/set aside so that I would be able to go on living my life i.e. getting a job and being able to move into an apartment. When I got there his lawyers were against this and fought me on it and was eventually declined. This was my first run in with the law, I've never had priors nor have I been in trouble since that incident.

My main issue is I can't seem to get any jobs I apply for because of this misdemeanor charge nor can I rent an apartment in my name and am looking to goto the courts again to try and have this set aside. If him and his lawyers try to deny me again, would I be able to sue him or is there anything I am able to do anything to make this easier on my part for them to allow it to be set aside? I'm really in need of some help and don't have much money to hire lawyer at the moment to help me. If a lawyer is what I am needing to help me win this, I will do what I need to to hire one. I look for and thank everyone in advance for the advice and help.
No, you can't sue him for objecting to having the person who assaulted him having the conviction set aside. He is not obligated to make things easier for you.
So in other words there's basically nothing I can do for getting into a fight which resulted in him pressing charges against me?
So in other words there's basically nothing I can do for getting into a fight which resulted in him pressing charges against me?

The time to have done something was before you pummeled him. You chose poorly. Now you must pay for your poor choice.

You do have the right to seek an expungement.
He does have the right to resist your efforts.
Ultimately, the judge decides.

If you're serious about this, speak to some attorneys.

What you seek is possible.
It will take money today, or lots of time to pass.
Taking an anger management class and a couple of other anger related classes will help you prove that you've changed and won't do this again.

In the interim, you must keep your nose clean.
Good luck.
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