Pay Equity

If my original HR inquiry had no merit, why would HR decide to offer a small bump in my current compensation?
How do you expect a random group of internet strange to know the mind of your employer?

With that said, my first guess is that they feel you are a good employee and wanted to make sure you stayed on.
Just so you know:

In a previous job, I was the one who did the in-house discrimination investigations. I also was paid to teach employers how to recognize illegal discrimination when it occurred.

As should be obvious, I know nothing of your situation other than what you have told me.

BASED ON YOUR OWN DESCRIPTION I do not see anything illegal. I see an angry (not without justification, I will acknowledge) individual who did not get the response she anticipated and is now trying to force the issue.

Pay inequities are in many cases unfair. But the law does not require that unfair be fixed. The law only requires that illegal be fixed.

If my original HR inquiry had no merit, why would HR decide to offer a small bump in my current compensation? you ask. Perhaps because they agreed it was unfair.

However, UNFAIR AND ILLEGAL ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. Your employer is not under any obligation to fix Unfair unless it is also Illegal. And you have not convinced me that Illegal is happening.

I am going to warn you, however, that it will also not be Illegal if your employer decides they've had enough of your pushing. You already got one bump in compensation, which no law required they give you. If they get annoyed enough and decide to tell you to go elsewhere to seek your higher pay, they will be within their rights.

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