paying child support but making credit rating bad

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I'm paying child support weekly which was agreed by me and the courts. Payments have been made on time every week. The problem is I live in Wyoming. My ex filed for support in CA but now lives in CO. I tried to have her move our case to CO but she just won't. My credit rating is dropping like a rock because the CA courts say that I'm late paying my support - even though my support is being garnished by my employer. I would appreciate any comments and/or help. Thanks
You need to find out who your employeer is sending payments to. If the support order is from California, it should be going to them and it's your ex-wifes responsibility to get the money sent to her in CO. Being that your CS is garnished and sent to a state on a weekly basis, that is your 100% proof of on-time payments.

Your employeer must send the payments to the state where the order is enforced and can not change that unless another court order comes in.

Have your employeer send Ca a letter showing the dates and amount of each payment sent showing you were paying on time. Follow that up with a demand that the lates on your credit report be removed. It's not your responsibility to get the money from CA to CO, it's your ex-wife's responsibility.
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