Payment for the partition


New Member
Judgement of partition and sale was issued in 2008.
I need to pay 33000, to my ex in order to remove him from the title .

My question : can I pay at least a part of this balance by credit cards ?

thank you very much e
If you are paying directly to him, how exactly would he receive the funds? Now if you have checks from your card company you could use those, or if you can get a cash advance from your card. If you are paying him through an attorney or some other entity, you would have to ask them if they will accept credit card payment. Credit card companies charge fees so...
Judgement of partition and sale was issued in 2008.
I need to pay 33000, to my ex in order to remove him from the title .

Please elaborate on this. If a judgment of partition and sale was entered in 2008, the property should have been sold (and all owners' names removed from title) in 2008 or 2009. If you still need to pay your ex $33k "to remove him from the title," then that apparently didn't happen. Why didn't it happen? Why do you still have a financial obligation to your ex a decade after the fact?

can I pay at least a part of this balance by credit cards ?

How should we know? Does your ex have the ability to process credit card transactions? I sure don't. Do you? Of course, if your ex is set up on a service such as PayPal, you can use a credit card to pay him that way.

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