Pending QDRO

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It had been just over 1 year since my divorce. We agreed to split our retirements equally, and since I had more, she got proceeds from my 401K. I've e-mail her twice now in the last year and she's not been taking action on getting the QDRO drafter by a lawyer. She was the petitioner, and it states in the decree "That the Petitioner shall retain the following property free and clear of any claim of the Respondent; Cash from Respondent's Principal 401K, value $22,000.00". In my section, it states "That the Respondent shall retain the following property free and clear of any claim of the Petitioner, Principal 401K, value $52,000.00 less $22,000.00 to be transferred to Stefanie". I've tried in good faith to spur her along to get the QDRO, which she agreed to do, but still hasn't. My question is can she sit on this for years and then come back and try to get a bigger chunk because of compounding interest even if the decree states something else? Also, the decree states "that the Court costs of this action be paid by the Petitioner." Would this wording carry into the QDRO as well, or can she come back against me on that?
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