Justice System, Police, Courts Perjury

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I am currently going through a child custody and international removal case. My ex-fiance is a Canadian citizen and fled the country last December with our newborn son, I have since got her back and have been in the middle of a very heated case as she is now trying to remove our son to Canada permanently. My problem is this, we went to trial last week and my ex-fiance BLATENTLY LIED about quite a few things to help her in her case. I want to bring a Perjury charge against her, I just dont know how to go about doing that. I talked to the States Attorney's office and they said they would prosecute, but told me there needs to be an investigation or arrest before they get involved. Can someone please let me know the first step?
You or your lawyer should formally make a complain to the DA's office with supporting evidence if any. They would in collaboration with law enforcement if necessary, verify your claim and see if there is enough to warrant a formal charge. An individual with no formal law training cannot easily prove perjury. You need a lawyer. …Your lawyer can use perjury as bases for appeal if her lies were enough to alter the judge's decision.
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