Other Visitation Permanent Resident Wanting to visit U.S. after Many Years Abroad

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My mother became a U.S. permanent resident when as a U.S. citizen I petitioned for her. Since then she returned to her home country and remained there for many years. Her permanent resident card has since expired.
She would like to visit us in the U.S. now. What her are options?
- Is it possible to get her permanent residence reinstated? If so, what would be the process?
-Could she apply for a visit visa? If yes, does she have to take any specific steps to formally abandon her permanent residence before she can apply for a visit visa? Or, is her permanent residence now considered already abandoned, and she can directly proceed to applying for a visit visa?
Would very much appreciate any guidance. Thank you.
Is it possible to get her permanent residence reinstated? If so, what would be the process?

Your mother should speak with the appropriate officials at the nearest US consulate or embassy located in the country where she resides to seek specific answers to her questions.

Bear in mind with the raging Covid epidemic worldwide, she must be prepared to expect lengthy delays as she seeks answers.

I would note that hundreds of thousands of people eager to enter the US have chosen to avoid all delays by simply presenting themselves anywhere along the southern US border.

It might seem illogical, but the horde of invaders are welcomed by border officials, housed at no cost, put on airplanes and busses to destinations where their relatives reside, and given lots of loot (and other freebies) to sweeten the process.

Most are told to report at some later date to speed along their entry to country with streets and alleys paved with gold.

As Presidente Potato Head often says, "Welcome refugees to a better life with lots of free stuff and money paid for by your loving Uncle Sammy."
She would like to visit us in the U.S. now. What her are options?

If all she wants to do is visit, then her options depend on what country she's in. Knowing what country she's in will tell us if she'll need a visa or if there are any pandemic-related reasons why she wouldn't be able to do so.

Is it possible to get her permanent residence reinstated?

In the abstract, almost anything is possible.

what would be the process?

Let me google that for you.

Could she apply for a visit visa?

No one here has any reason to believe she lacks this ability.
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