Premises Liability Personal Injury at Lowes

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I was injured at Lowe's in Henderson Nevada. My questions are:
1. Can I sue Lowe's in small claims court?
2. Do I sue the Lowe's location where the injury happened or send papers to their corporation head quarters?
3. I do not have medical insurance and the cost so far are about $300.00 medical bills (dr., rx, xray, boot for injured foot, etc.) I already paid, after care bills total about another $600 and I lost about 2 days work so the total claim (including court costs) should be under $1500.00. Do I add pain and suffering? (There wasn't much, only a couple of days which I was off work)
4. I spoke with their "adjuster" who said they have no responsibility to pay any medical costs as they are an "enter at your own risk" store. Can they do that?

Thank you for any guidance.
1.) Without more information it's impossible to say whether you have a viable case and if so, what would be an appropriate venue
2.) see #1
3.) see #1
4.) Quite possibly
Agree that we need more details. What kind of injury - what happened that you got injured? Thanks.
Speak with an ambulance chasing YOU KNOW WHAT?

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True - there's always that. They are always available.
Oddly enough, Nevada allows you to claim for pain and suffering (most states won't do that for small claims)

If the out of pocket expenses are up to $5000, you can file in small claims.

If the out of pocket expenses are over $5k but less than $10k, you'll have to file in Nevada Justice Court

If the out of pocket expenses are more than $10k, you have to file in Nevada District Court

OP might want to start here:

But yeah, more details would be nice.
OP, do you believe there was some negligence on the part of the store that caused you to be injured? Thanks.
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