Personal injury

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A co-worker lost a piece of jewelry. Subsequently I was search in view of all other co-workers as well as the public. I was not the only employee that was searched but I was the only one that was put on display. My question is was there any wrong doing. The jewelry was recovered not in anyones possesion.
What do you mean you were searched in public? How did this differ from the conduct towards all other employees? Did you consent? Is there a reason that you believe you were singled out? You need to describe the series of events with more specificity before we can discuss the matter -- which might prove to be an employment matter more than a typical "personal injury" claim.
There was 5 people out of many that were searched. I was the only one that was searched out in public every one else was searched in private. I gave permission, but feared only that I would lose my job. The store manager told me that it was in the employee handbook that they had a right to search at any time. I didn't know it at the time but it was not in the employee hand book.
Then you might have an employment claim although I don't know how much it would be worth. How embarrassing was it? A pat down? Did you have to remove clothing? In front of how many people? Were you derided or made fun of while this was going on? I'm asking because you need to remember that while you may be right morally and in the eyes of the law, prosecution is only worthwhile if it truly is worthwhile to you. It's the unfortunate reality but if this is more than something to shrug off you may want to pursue this with an attorney.
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