I'm being summons as a suspect they say I stold something from there but I was never arrested or anything I got a summons 6 weeks later after they said when I did it
Stop explaining, we're just a bunch of nobodies.
You need to prepare for the SOMEBODIES, so from this moment on, say nothing, admit nothing, explain nothing, and INVOKE.
What the heck is INVOKE?
When you go to court, you simply say, "I invoke my right to remain silent. I want a lawyer. I will not comment on this case, or anything about this matter."
Cooperate with your booking, name, address, date of birth, etc...
But, don't say anything about this case.
If they ask, simply say nothing.
They can lie to you.
They can trick you, if you fall for it.
It's all legal.
No matter what tricks they try, no matter how many different ways they ask the SAME question, no matter if they say WE KNOW EVERYTHING YOU DID, remain calm, polite, and silent.