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i have a 2004 nissan micra which was involved in an accident yesterday. i am on fully com insurance third party suddenly braked in front of me and i went right into the back of him the only damage to their car was the rear fog light no other damages. the damage to my car was front driver indicator glass smashed, front grill cracked front bumper scratch and distorted and bonnet small creased but not touching engine. the car starts perfect and runs perfect so its just body damage.
legally im at fault since i went into the back of him.
the last accident that happened on my insurance was not my fault i was hit in the rear my insurance paid out 1'500 pounds the damage was boot n rear bumper needed replacing.
do you think they will write this car off now with the new damage? as if they paid that much last time for the rear to be fixed then why wouldnt they for the front i am still awaiting a courtsey car and they saying being a weekend they cant help me til monday and i work far from home.
also if they decide its a write off will i get some of the insurance money i paid them as i paid them for a whole year? and can i argue not for them to write it off and repair it myself will they still insure me after wards i have protected no claims bonus for life.
We don't do much with UK or laws outside the US.
But, I suggest you speak with your insurance company.
Common sense tells me your argument might not hold too much weight.
But, its at least worth a discussion to discover their position, as opposed to yours.
just want to no if i can hold honda for paying my med bills because the air bags didnt go off when i was in an acct. on jan 16th 2012
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