Please help me unfair employer

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New Member
Hi, I am new here but have questions regarding my previous employer.

On March 6, 2007 I quit my job as a full time associate, I had given the employer two weeks written notice of when i was to resign. On my last pay check with pay period ending March 18, 2007 I see they deducted $46.29 from my pay. (I paid $23.14 per a week) Then on March 20th 2007 I was taken to the ER where I had to have a surgery performed. Weeks later I find out that my insurance had been canceled on March 19, 2007. Now as i was moving this past week I found a letter post marked April 11, 2007 that was never opened after opening i read it and it states that a full time associate who resigns or is terminated will maintain their blue cross blue shield up to the last day of the month following the last day of their employment. Now I am wanting them to pay, but not sure how much to request. the bills alone come to over $12,000, but they have also damaged my credit, and put strain on my husbands an my relationship. He would like me to sue for 4.5 times the damage cost, but is that too much?
The fact that in April of 2007 the policy was to pay till the last day of the month does not mean that that policy was still in effect in March of 08.

Were you sent COBRA information? If so, how did you respond?
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