Please help might get sued!!

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New Member
Ok here it goes,
I was trying to sell some test prep books on Ebay. I also included something free with the purchase of the books which was a MP3 audio book taken from 12 CD's. I never got a chance to sell the items because Ebay cancelled my two auctions. So thus far I haven't sold anything or bought anything. I received a letter today from the company that makes the audio book and I cut and pasted it as follows:

Dear: ***** *****

It has been brought to our attention that you have recently sold or attempted to sell or distribute illegally produced copies of ***** *****. ************, Inc. owns the copyright to ***** ******. Production, sale, or even the purchase of illegally produced copyrighted material is a violation of Federal law (a felony). If you used the U.S. mail to make the transaction you have violated federal law a second time. Besides being accompanied by heavy fines and a possible prison term, a copyright felony conviction is sufficient cause for expulsion at most medical schools.

Due to the great expense of court costs and other legal fees, we prefer to settle such violations out of court if possible. To avoid further legal action, you must pay us the full retail price of $***.** for each time you purchased or sold our product illegally, agree in writing never to sell our product illegally again, and provide the names of the people you obtained the illegal product from and those to whom you sold it. Failure to do so will result in our taking further legal action, including reporting any violations of Federal copyright law to the FBI and to the relevant ******* ********s.

To avoid further legal action, send your written promise to cease immediately all illegal sales of ***** ******, all pirated copies currently in your possession, your list of buyers and sellers, and a check or money order for the appropriate amount to the listed address. If we do not receive such a package from you within five business days of receiving this letter, we will begin legal action. Once legal action has begun, we will prosecute to the full extent of the law, accepting no settlement terms.


****** ********

So I didn't sell anything but I did attempt to sell what could happen to me and what should I do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Get a lawyer

You need to obtain the advise of an attorney versed in this particlar type of criminal matter. Don't get just any criminal lawyer; get one who has expertise in both internet law and copyright laws. If you ignore the request you could have bigger trouble as there has been a crackdown on people violating copyright codes and selling on websites like eBay. They took you off the eBay before you had a chance to make a sale, but you still broke the law by making illegal copies.
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