Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Please help! Will I be drug tested for a theft crime?

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That's if they even drug test me in the first place. But I get what you're saying.

You were the one that appeared to be stressing out over being drug tested.
I was suggesting a way that will allow you the time and get you the help to stop.
It's better to self report, but even better to stop, especially if you persist in committing other crimes.
You might want to get help with the drug abuse and the shoplifting urges.
You're a very poor thief.
You keep getting caught.
See what I'm saying?
Keep getting caught? This was my first time ever shoplifting?
Drug abuse? I got caught with a little bit of pot at school last year?
I don't think there is anything more any of us can tell you. You'll just have to see what happens - whether you get drug tested.
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