Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Please help

I note that 1) you haven't mentioned child(ren) - all 3 of my children are over age

I have observed from your subsequent posts that you are coming across as a person who may indeed be guilty of the charges against you. - so just me asking a question made you think I'm a violent man who raised 3+ kids and hasn't been to jail since 1998 sorry you are wrong .but I ain't gonna judge you and talk to you like shit . I had a bad day I carona and no where to go my girl that passed away a year ago from may 10 was on my mind and nobody would help so I didn't want to be alive so I said somethings hoping to die u til I talked to my daughter and calmed down and went to jail .I've joined a treatment so I don't fall back to drugs (wasn't on drugs when arrested ) and also therapy to help with my loss .and none of it was court ordered so me getting treated like shit by my ex is funny to you then whatever I'm not a bad person and you won't get me out of character . No anger management sorry Regardless of whether you sign the divorce papers prior to your trial, I think you could greatly benefit from some therapy/counselling for anger management.

Again, you are not coming across as a pleasant person.

And if you cop an attitude like this in court, you deserve to get the book thrown at you.
How is that? I just asked a question and people just attacked me for my spelling . All I wanted was a lil advice not argue or get called mean , cuz I promise if you met me you think totally different I get along with everyone. And the intimidation was me having the worst day possible and not wanting to live . That's it
They already know they have my phone , I just wanted to know if she can threaten me with testifying against me if I dont do what she asks , and I got that in text from her ,. So is that a yes or no
They already know they have my phone , I just wanted to know if she can threaten me with testifying against me if I dont do what she asks , and I got that in text from her ,. So is that a yes or no

What do you care if she testifies against you? You said they already have your phone so they have the evidence. She can threaten to testify because she IS going to testify and you having a bad day and saying you want to die is hardly intimidation unless you were threatening to kill her, too. You're leaving out major parts of the story here.
She's not threatening to testify if you don't do something...she's saying she won't testify if you actually do that something. There's a difference.
Ultimately, she wants to be free of you.

She wants you out of her life.

Why are you insisting on staying married to her? Why are you insisting on staying in her life? Why are you not even entertaining the idea of coming to an equitable settlement between now and August?

cuz I promise if you met me you think totally different I get along with everyone.

Clearly not true: you don't get along with her.
I never said I wanted to stay with her haha. But I deserve for her to help me pay the bills she helped build up in my name. I did my job I paid 300 a week for one kid child support because it was my kid and her had bills and that was non-court ordered. But anyway all I asked was is it illegal for her to do that. But I see all y'all gonna do is try and down me. It's really funny
I never said I wanted to stay with her haha. But I deserve for her to help me pay the bills she helped build up in my name. I did my job I paid 300 a week for one kid child support because it was my kid and her had bills and that was non-court ordered. But anyway all I asked was is it illegal for her to do that. But I see all y'all gonna do is try and down me. It's really funny
So that gets settled in the divorce. Of course, you can't make her pay her half of the marital debts.
I never said I wanted to stay with her haha. But I deserve for her to help me pay the bills she helped build up in my name. I did my job I paid 300 a week for one kid child support because it was my kid and her had bills and that was non-court ordered. But anyway all I asked was is it illegal for her to do that. But I see all y'all gonna do is try and down me. It's really funny
Based on what you posted, no, it is not ILLEGAL what "she did". The divorce will cover the marital debt/assets. Make sure you show up in court so you can make your case. It is in your best interest to end this toxic relationship as soon as possible.

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