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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Manitoba, Canada

I have to major questions.

1) What is my Liability toward the following scam my manager pulls, if the uppper management would find out: my manager from time to time (frequently) cheats on her Time Cards. We don't punch in and out on automated timecards. She will have me come in early but anywhere between 1-5 hours, stay on the payroll and either pay me cash for it or on any other given day when i am schedule to work have me come in 1-5 hour later then i am supposed to relief her. she does that on days where she is schedule to work side by side with me, e.g. her shift 9-5:30, my shift 12:30 - 9:30. so she will have me come in at 4:30 instead of 12:30 (here is 4 hours of my time back) but she will still go home at 5:30 (which means she really never makes up the time she leaves early). recently the upper management caught on to it because i co-worker that was fired, reported her. my manager told me what to tell upper management when and if i get questioned. until about 6-7 months ago when such occur, she would give me $10 out of own pocket to cover me coming in early, and she stay on the payroll. if i don't comply, she gets very vedictive. she has got 2 co-workers so far to the point where she report them for errors they actually didn't do, and get let go. i cannot afford to lose my job and she knows it. i tried looking for another job for 3 years now, with no avail. which brings me to my second question.

2) my manager is guaranteed 76-80 hours a bi-weekly and i am guaranteed at least 60 bi-weekly. i work 99% of saturdays and 99% of friday nights, and never get a "day-shift" (9:00 - 4:30) unless he is on vacation. what makes things worst is that she has me 70% of the time work 12 days out of 14 to get to my 60 hours. she refuses to work saturdays with the exception of about 4 a year, that it. in all our job description is we have to clean the office after our shift (washing the lobby floor, bathrooms, kitchen, garbage, etc.) she simple refuses to do so (other then vacuuming the odd time) and if i don't perform leaves me in our "agenta book" notes about what needs to be done. 3 year now and i have done almost 100% of keeping the office and back in clean and presentable condition.

i am stressed to the point over those two issues, that i am feeling sick :mad: . can you please give me some advice? i can't afford a lawyer, i make little money, my husband walk out 2 years ago, leaving me with the mortgage and bills and offers no help with anything, financial or otherwise.


Slaving53 in manitoba
What is my Liability toward the following scam my manager pulls, if the uppper management would find out: my manager from time to time (frequently) cheats on her Time Cards.
You would most likely be terminated due to your knowledge and participation regarding the deceptive timecard behavior.

my manager is guaranteed 76-80 hours a bi-weekly and i am guaranteed at least 60 bi-weekly. i work 99% of saturdays and 99% of friday nights, and never get a "day-shift" (9:00 - 4:30) unless he is on vacation.
Nothing in your post represents a legal issue. This is all between you and your employer.
Canadian employment law is very different from US employment law, and this is primarily a US board. I would suggest that you check with the office of the Manitoba Labour Secretary, or the equivalent, to confirm.
You'll want to speak with Manitoba's Employment Standards Branch.

In response to your question about what your liability is, I would agree with FlaRiptide: your employer might fire you for not reporting correctly. Over and above that, your liability is likely nothing. I suppose sue you and argue that if you HAD reported your hours correctly, they would have been aware of the poorly performing manager, and they were harmed by you covering it up. Frankly, I don't see them trying it. I can't see how that would benefit them too much, since if they are correct, they would owe you a whole whack of cash for the unreported hours you worked.

Regarding your second question, are you getting your required holidays? I.e. if you've been there more than a year, two weeks paid, etc. Over and above that, your employer is generally free to schedule you as they see fit.
Under the policies of many businesses, employees have an obligation to report unethical and dishonest behavior--theft for example. In your case, if the manager is failing to record his/her time accurately, it is likely amounting to theft (if he/she is getting paid for time he/she did not work). I would suggest that if it is found out that you are aware of the policy violation (if in fact it amounts to one), your employer would have just cause to impose discipline (possibly up to and including termination of your employment). My suggestion, confide in upper-level management; get things out in the open to protect yourself. Don't condone the inappropriate behavior by being silent on the issue, and don't risk your own job by ignoring it. As for your other concern, about the cleaning and work schedule, I would suggest that it is the manager's job to direct the work and there is nothing inherently wrong with his/her doing so with regard to the job duties and schedule. If he/she is the manager, nothing precludes him/her from having weekends off and doing more favorable work, unless there is something procedurally wrong with it. Maybe I missed something, but that's my gut response. Thanks.
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