POA/HOA has conspired to violate your rights, and defame you

david h

New Member
I am a property owner in a POA (Property owners Association)

We have a board, and a general manager. We have covenants & declarations, by-laws, incorporation, rules. In the Rules section we have the a section about code of conduct. I filed two complaints based on it.....

1) Member was inthe fitness center photographing me with stated intent to "let everone know what I looked like".
2) another fellow, ironically the chairman of the hospitality comittee, launched into a verbal diatribe against me, F word, move the F out, blah blah. In the parking lot he charged me. I had called security. They got him on partial dash cam as they pulled up approaching me.

Point is I filed complaints. I have the board president on tape saying they turned that over to the GM to investigate. In the complaints I copied head of security to retain the video footage. Long after the complaints were filed - I have him on tape saying nobody has asked him for hte tapes - even though it was requested in the complaint. The complaint has been ignored.

More recently a young mom told my wife and I (taped) that in a Youth Advsory Board meeting, of which she is a member - the GM instructed her and others that were admins on a Facebook Group (Admined also by my wife - and NOT a POA controlled group) that these advisory team members were to censor and delete my posts.

There is a lot more - a strong pattern of actions taken to actively treat me differently from other property owners, deny me my rights, etc. Right now it isn't so much slander or libel in that they have made a direct untrue statement, such as "David did XYZ. that would take us to that libel/slander route..... it is more of a lot of things together. I have lots of strong indications that getting into communications through discovery would probably open this up in a very bad light for the GM / Board.

My question is.... what other legal complaint direction other than slander / libel could this go in? I also run one of the community newspapers. For explanation.... this is occurring because of some investigation stories we are doing - very unflattering, and possibly aming at criminal activity. Most everyone is aware that this is being done to discredit and intimidate me a s a news source in this matter.

My reason for asking is that I believe in doing my research BEFORE I meet with attorneys..... othing personal guys, but you guys are expensive, ad I want some basic understanding of the potential principles involved here before I go jumping into a lawsuit, retaining an attorney.

If clarifying questios can help - ask away.

- david
POA/HOA has conspired to violate your rights, and defame you

That's not true (although I doubt what you wrote is what you intended).

My question is.... what other legal complaint direction other than slander / libel could this go in?

I'll confess that I didn't read your post carefully, but I saw nothing that suggested any sort of defamation occurred. In fact, I didn't see anything that suggested that you have any valid legal claim against anyone.

However, by all means, please consult with a local attorney.
It seems you may have a fundamental misunderstanding of what "your rights" are.
The only thing you mentioned that might be worthy of some sort of action was the encounter with the person in the parking lot who may have "charged" at you. If you did not find it worthy of contacting police instead of security then it probably was a very minor issue, and certainly not worth reviving at this point.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with them deleting social media content.
Forget about attorneys. You need to figure out how to get along with your neighbors or learn to ignore them entirely.
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so you've made some enemies and you weren't expecting them to answer back in ways that they have influence? If there is truly criminal activity, then call the police/DA.
My question is.... what other legal complaint direction other than slander / libel could this go in?

Less is always MORE.

Let the sleeping dog sleep.

Don't tug on Superman's cape.

Don't try to take the mask off the Lone Ranger.

More often than NOT, doing NOTHING is the best course of action one can ever take.
this is occurring because of some investigation stories we are doing - very unflattering, and possibly aming at criminal activity. Most everyone is aware that this is being done to discredit and intimidate me a s a news source in this matter.

OK, you're a muckraker and everybody is ticked that you are airing their dirty laundry and they are getting back at you for it.

That's the price you pay for investigative journalism. Journalists have considerably less protection against defamation than regular people.

Forget suing anybody, or getting any help from the board.

And make sure you have solid evidence before you publish unflattering information or criminal allegations against anybody or you might be the one sued for defamation.
Wow.... you guys have discovered something new here.... you are Trolls, but trick people into comng to you. Wierd world.

Seems like there would be a law against clueless trolls impersonating people with actual legal experience. But thanks for the laughs :)
So sorry you didn't get the information you hoped to hear.
When enough people are telling you the same thing you really should stop and reconsider your situation.
Visit a local attorney if you must.You will be told you have nothing to work with. Nobody is out to get you, but nobody is going to do you the disservice of urging you to take action over non-issues either.
Perhaps you just didn't explain well enough or left out important details, but the information you provided does not amount to anything that seems worthy of any action.
Wow.... you guys have discovered something new here.... you are Trolls, but trick people into comng to you. Wierd world.

Seems like there would be a law against clueless trolls impersonating people with actual legal experience. But thanks for the laughs :)
You should do an investigative piece on internet advice sites. :rolleyes:

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