POA responsibilites to executors and beneficiaries

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I became my mothers POA in 2005. Mom lived until March of this year. My nephew, who is not a beneficiary, is executor of her will. There are three beneficiaries other then myself. My mother insisted that I allow her to stay in her own home . I made sure she was well taken care of with 24 hr. caretakers in her home, which was considerably expensive and over time used up almost all of her money. With mom's approval I had to do a reverse mortgage . Since I had to travel 180 miles to my mother's house, in 2005 she offered to compensate my time and expenses. She extended the offer of compensation to other family members whenever they traveled to and worked at my mom's house to help her. Now, after my mother's death, my nephew accuses me of stealing all of my mom's money. Although he hasn't taken legal action he has contacted everyone in my family telling them this. He has not contacted me directly. My POA document doesn't designate a responsibility to report my activities to anyone except to my mother. Everything that I did was at my mom's requests and with her knowledge and consent.
Am I required now to contact my nephew, or any other family member, to explain everything my mother and I agreed to while she was alive ?
No, you're not required to do anything, unless ordered to do so by a judge. I suggest you ignore, and not dignify these rumors by explaining your actions.
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