Policy Tracing?


New Member
Someone I know would like me to help him out with, "insurance policy tracing". I would like to get more information if this is a business I should go into with him. It is directly related to Car Accidents and Personal Injury from my knowledge.

What am i asking? Is this actually legitamate, does the car accident community need, "policy tracing?"

My field is website development and i'm trying to figure out if this is a legal business I can partake into. It would take me a bit of time to make a website for policy tracing and before I indulge I would like to know your opinion.

I just asked this question in the auto accident thread, I'm trying to get as much info as possible.

Thank you!
Someone I know would like me to help him out with, "insurance policy tracing". I would like to get more information if this is a business I should go into with him. It is directly related to Car Accidents and Personal Injury from my knowledge.

What am i asking? Is this actually legitamate, does the car accident community need, "policy tracing?"

My field is website development and i'm trying to figure out if this is a legal business I can partake into. It would take me a bit of time to make a website for policy tracing and before I indulge I would like to know your opinion.

I just asked this question in the auto accident thread, I'm trying to get as much info as possible.

Thank you!
What state?
does the car accident community need, "policy tracing?"

Probably not.

Every state requires the parties to an auto accident to exchange insurance information. When police are called to the scene they make sure that information is exchanged. Without police presence it's possible that a party could refuse to provide insurance information. That would get him sued if he's at fault, and he'd end up reporting it to his insurance anyway.

What does your friend mean by "policy tracing"? What does he think he is going to accomplish? Who do you or he think is going to pay for that kind of service?

There is no central data base that you can access to see if somebody has auto insurance. Insurance companies report policies to the DMVs of each state. Lawyers and private investigators often have access to DMV records but not the general public.

If you or your friend were to call up the President of an insurance company and ask for a print out of all the company's auto policies you would give him a good laugh.

I just asked this question in the auto accident thread,

And I deleted it as a duplicate. One post on this site is all you need.

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