Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Possession of less than 3 ounces of marijuana

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Vallery Young

New Member
My granddaughter was stopped as a passenger & charged & jailed with less than 3 ounces of marijuana. First offense. What should she expect when she goes to court.
Fines, probation, maybe a drug class to attend. Being a first offense she may have some luck keeping it off her record. Her attorney can give her the best idea what to expect.
My granddaughter was stopped as a passenger & charged & jailed with less than 3 ounces of marijuana. First offense. What should she expect when she goes to court.

In Texas one would be wise to NOT use any illegal drugs, including weed.
Where i am from the da refuses to prosecute weed cases. Its ridiculous. Its illegalnin the state and in the county....but he has no damn respect for the law
My granddaughter was stopped as a passenger & charged & jailed with less than 3 ounces of marijuana. First offense.

First time she got caught.

What should she expect when she goes to court.

Possession of 2oz or less of Marijuana in Texas is a Class B Misdemeanor offense, with penalties of up to 180 days in jail, and fines of $2000.

However, in most cases, being caught with only a small amount of pot will result in probation, with mandatory drug treatment, and the potential to have the charged dismissed after a successful treatment program.

You will also face a 6 month loss of drivers license for any marijuana possession charge if you are convicted.

If you are in possession of more than 2oz, up to 5lbs of marijuana, it is a Class A Misdemeanor. Such an offense can result in penalties of up 1 year in jail, and fines of $4000.

I hope this scares the crap out of her so she can stop making bad choices that can screw up the rest of her life.

This is something she should discuss with her attorney. NO ONE should be discussing her criminal case on the net.

Amen to that.
Where i am from the da refuses to prosecute weed cases. Its ridiculous. Its illegalnin the state and in the county....but he has no damn respect for the law
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