Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Possession of stolen property

Ashlyn Moreno

New Member
Borrowed a car and was charged for possession of stolen property. I had no idea it was stolen. I was given the keys and given permission to use it. My boyfriend was charged as well and he was only a passenger. How can this be?
How can what be? You were in possession of a stolen vehicle. Look at the statute you were charged with - chances are there is no need that you know it was stolen.

Time to hire an attorney.
How did you come to "borrow" the car? Who gave it to you? Were you loaned the car by the registered owner?

Did you tell the police the name of the person who loaned you the car?

Or, did some stranger walk up and inform you that you could just borrow the car?
This may have involved what some call, a "crack car rental", or a "meth car loaner".
Borrowed a car and was charged for possession of stolen property. I had no idea it was stolen. I was given the keys and given permission to use it. My boyfriend was charged as well and he was only a passenger. How can this be?

It can be because *you were* in possession of stolen property. Who did you borrow it from? You need to be careful who you borrow from.
Borrowed a car and was charged for possession of stolen property. I had no idea it was stolen. I was given the keys and given permission to use it. My boyfriend was charged as well and he was only a passenger. How can this be?

Are you the Ashlyn Moreno who sued the Idaho State Police?
Are you the Ashlyn Moreno who sued the Idaho State Police?

You must be referring to this case.

Warning, salacious things are discussed.

Borrowed a car and was charged for possession of stolen property. I had no idea it was stolen. I was given the keys and given permission to use it. My boyfriend was charged as well and he was only a passenger. How can this be?

If you want an honest answer, it might help to tell an honest story.

By the way, leave the 'shrooms and that STUFF alone.

It'll kill you.
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