Possible Discrimination Suit/Wrongful Layoff

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I was just layed off from a major construction company this week for lack of work. I am the only woman project engineer at this company, 6 others are male. I have the most seniority and the most education. A project I was assigned to is coming to a close and this was the reason given for the layoff. Of the remaining engineers, I felt the ones hired a few months ago should have been the ones to be layed off. It seemed like such a random decision. My immediate superiors were not even notified of the layoff until it happened. The CEO did the deed himself. It seems very fishy. I was hoping for some advice regarding a possible discrimination suit and if it would be worthwhile.
There is nothing illegal about choosing you for layoff because yours is the project that is ending. The law does not require that they go by seniority or by experience or by education.

How do you propose to show that the reason they provided is untrue? It seems perfectly reasonable to me. Just because you felt that they should have used a different criteria, does not mean that the criteria they used is illegally discriminatory.
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