Parole, Probation possible probation violation over a stinking traffic ticket

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I am currently on probation for DV and have been since december of last year. I have been on time with all payments to the court for probation. I have also attended 22 DV classes and 7 parenting classes without missing a single one. That being said here's the bad part..... I was pulled over and found that my license was denied due to non payment of a fine a couple months ago. I have since payed the fine and gotten my license reinstated. Unfortunately I completely spaced the court date and missed it. It was today.... Is this going to violate my probation? What should I do?
You missed the court date for the citation? If you were able to get it reinstated then you may not have been required to go to court... If you think you missed something today then contact the court tomorrow and find out if a warrant was issued for you... if so, take care of business.
Anyway... regarding your probation, if you get in contact with your probation officer and let them know what has happened then you shouldn't have to worry about anything. They will appreciate your honesty and responsibility and not mess with you.
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