Here is one of the Bills I wrote.
Executive Branch Departmental Organization Bill
A Bill
To provide structure to the Executive branch by setting up and organizing Departments to be lead by the President's Cabinet.
Be it enacted by the Congress of the United States of Arabia and passed into law.
Section 1: Executive Departments
(a) Department Heads- Each Department is lead by an appointee by the President which is approved by the Senate. This leader will be called Secretary unless otherwise noted.
(b) Inspectors General- An Inspector General, or Inspectors General, may be placed by Congress in any Department or part of a department as it sees fit. Inspectors General will by default be placed in the Department of Justice, the Department of the Military, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Corrections, and the Elections Bureau.
(c) Human Resources- All divisions described below are required to have a Human Resources system responsible for working towards the safety of employees and advocating for their interests.
Sec 2: Department of Infrastructure (DoI)
(a) Purpose- The Department of Infrastructure, will be responsible for building, maintaining, and enforcing certain regulations on, the nation's Federal: roads, bridges, docks, airports, and utilities.
(b)Internal Organization- The DoI will be organized in the following way:
(1) A Bureau of Land Transportation (BLT), which will be delegated the responsibility to build and maintain the nation's roads and bridges, as well as mark them with the appropriate signage.
(2) A Bureau of Air Travel (BAT), which is delegated the responsibility to build and maintain any necessary Federal public airports.
(3) A Bureau of Docks and Harbors (BDH), responsible for building and maintaining any necessary Federal public docks and harbors.
(4) A Bureau of Water (BoW), responsible for creating sources of clean drinking water wherever in the nation Congress tells it to.
Sec 3: Department of the Treasury
(a) Purpose- To manage the finances of the Federal government. To print, and regulate the value of, the nation's currency. To collect Taxes and other Federal income.
(b) Internal Organization- The Treasury will be organised in the following way:
(1) A Treasury Security Force (TSF), will be delegated the responsibility to protect the Federal government's money, in storage location(s) and in transit, and only allow it to be spent as prescribed by law.
(2) A Bureau of Taxes and Federal Income (BTFI), will be delegated the responsibility to collect taxes and Federal income in a way prescribed by law.
(3) A Bureau of the Mint, delegated the responsibility to make the nation's currency in a way prescribed by law.
(c) The Leader of the Treasury will be called the Treasurer.
Sec 4: Department of the Military (DoM)
(a) Purpose- To defend the nation from hostile powers. The military is responsible for fighting the nation's wars.
(b) Internal Organization- The DoM will be organised in the following way:
(1) The National Guard, responsible for defending the nation from invasion and from domestic militant threats. This Branch will be comprised of the Land Guard (which defends the land), the Coast Guard (which defends the coasts and the nation's territorial and internal waters), the Air Guard (which defends the nation's airspace), and the Elite Guard (responsible for executing warrants on suspected terrorist strongholds and militant bases, and providing necessary assistance to the other sub-branches.)
(2) The Army. A professional fighting force responsible for fighting the nation's wars. Soldiers in reserve may be called into active duty at any time deemed necessary by the DoM, by the Army itself, by the President, or by Congress. In the event of an invasion or an event of similar importance to national defense, the Army may be assigned to assist the National Guard.
(3) The Navy. Responsible for fighting the nation's wars on the oceans. In times of invasion, or events of similar importance to national security, the Navy may be assigned to assist the Coast Guard, or the larger National Guard. The Navy is responsible for defending Arabian civilians in International Waters. The Navy will execute the nation's right to Universal Jurisdiction over the crime of Piracy on the High Seas. The Navy is also responsible for assisting the Army in deployment when it is deemed necessary.
(c)Presidential Authority- Within the terms set by the Constitution and laws passed by Congress, The President has supreme power over the Military.
(d) Reserves- All branches will have the ability to have soldiers not on active duty in their reserves. Soldiers in reserves may be called into active duty as the branch, the DoM, the President, or Congress see fit.
Sec 5: Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
(a) Purpose and Overview- It is the duty of the DFA to negotiate treaties with foreign countries, operate embassies and consulates, and provide for the security of citizens abroad. All Ambassadors will be considered part of, but not subservient to, the DFA. The DFA is responsible for the security of embassies, consulates, and ambassadors.
Sec 6: Department of Health (DoH)
(a) Purpose- To provide for the health of the nation's people by providing healthcare for those who cannot provide it for themselves and by funding or carrying out relevant research.
(b) Title of Leader- The leader of this department will be known as the Surgeon General.
(c) Healthcare- The DoH will form a voucher system that funds preventative care, life-saving care, and necessary rehabilitation to the poor. The DoH will also pay to treat any condition a veteren of the military received as a direct result of their service.
Sec 7: Department of Justice (DoJ)
(a) Purpose- To fairly and impartially enforce Federal law. To investigate violations of Federal law and prosecute those suspected to have violated Federal law with the ultimate goal of uncovering the truth.
(b) Title of leader- The leader of the DoJ will be known as the Attorney General.
(c) Internal Organization- The DoJ will be organized in the following way:
(1) A Bureau of Investigation (BoI), delegated the responsibility to investigate potential violations of Federal law and carry out warrants in cases of potential violation of Federal law.
(2) A Warrant Office, responsible for issuing warrants based on evidence or probable cause in the case of potential violation of Federal law.
(3) A Prosecution service, responsible for using evidence to prosecute suspects.
(4) A Defense Attorney office, responsible for using evidence to defend those accused of violations of Federal law in order to prevent innocents from being convicted.
(5) The Office of the Deputy Attorney General for Managing Charges on Convicts of Predecessor States. This office is responsible for determining if those convicted by predecessor states should continue to being held responsible for their convictions, if so the convict will be given the opportunity to fight the charges in a free and fair trial. This office will also be tasked with pressing charges or dropping charges against those who were awaiting trial in predecessor states. This office will be dissolved when either all cases are appealed, there are no remaining convicts from predecessor states who are being held in prison, or if Congress decides that it should be disbanded. The Deputy Attorney General may be appointed by either the President of the United States of Arabia or the Attorney General, and a vote of approval from the Senate of the United States of Arabia.
Sec 8: Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
(a) Purpose- To protect the people in the homeland when they are in danger. To provide disaster relief and rescue those threatened by disaster. To defend the nation from threats foreign and domestic.
(b) Internal Organization- The DHS will be organized in the following way:
(1) The Seat of Government Security (SGS), responsible for securing the Seat of Government as a whole and protecting: the President, the Vice President, the Cabinet members, the members of Congress, and the Supreme Court Justices. Departments with their own security forces will be primarily responsible for defending their own locations, though SGS will help when necessary.
(2) A Bureau of Natural Disasters (BND), delegated the responsibility to rescue those affected or threatened by natural disasters. If the emergency is contained within a single state then the state government is expected to request aid if it is needed, unless it is considered likely that they are unable to do so.
(3) Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), responsible for securing the nation's borders and vetting who and what is coming through in accordance with Federal law. They may hold someone crossing the border in custody for no longer than 24 hours without pressing charges. Rules for quarantine may vary and will be determined by Federal law. CBP has jurisdiction over anywhere within fifty kilometers of an international border or ocean, they are not permitted to operate outside of these limits unless they are in active pursuit or are called into action by law enforcement with jurisdiction.
(4) An Anti-Terrorism Intelligence Service (ATIS), responsible for locating potential terrorist bases, investigating them, using the evidence to acquire a warrant, and sending the warrant to the Elite Guard. ATIS is also responsible for investigating potential terrorists and potential terrorist activity in an attempt to prevent damage to life or property.
Sec 9: Department of Education
(a) Purpose- To provide funding for schools and equipment so as to give the best education possible to prepare children and young adults for useful, viable careers.
(b) Pre-College Schools- The Department of Education will provide funding for pre-college education by means of a voucher system. Vouchers will be redeemable at any school.
(c) College/Trade School- The Department of Education will provide scholarships to students based on merit and/or need. These scholarships will only go towards useful education (education that leads towards a career in healthcare, education, law, engineering, woodworking, metalworking, electrical work, plumbing, machinery, or heavy equipment management.)
Sec 10: Office of the Postmaster General (OPMG)
(a) Summary- The Postmaster General and the staff of the Postmaster General will be responsible for managing the Nation's Postal Service. For the purpose of raising their own revenue the OPMG will sell stamps at a price which can be controlled by Congress. The Federal, State, and Local governments will not be required to purchase stamps in order to send mail. Any excess money raised by the OPMG will go to the Treasury.
Sec 11: The Census Bureau
(a) Summary- The Census Bureau is responsible for enumerating all the people of the nation at a national, state, district, and local level.
Sec 12: The Elections Bureau
(a) Summary- Responsible for carrying out free and fair elections. The Elections Bureau will by default be monitored by a congressionally appointed Inspector General in addition to its own authorities.
Sec 13: The Department of Corrections (DoC)
(a) Purpose- To imprison and care for the Nation's inmates. To run the Nation's Federal Prisons. To inflict the sentences assigned by the Courts to those it assigns them to.
(b) Distribution of Prisoners- Prisons will be divided so as to protect less dangerous inmates from more dangerous inmates. Male and female inmates will be kept in different facilities. Adults and children will also be kept in different facilities. Pregnant prisoners will be transferred to a special prison for pregnant women (pregnant minors will have their own facility) where they will be afforded adequate pre and post natal care as well as birthing services. After a postnatal care period of three days, or more if medically necessary, the prisoner will be transferred to a regular womens' prison (or girls prison) and the child will go into state care.
(c) Prisoner Labor- Convicts found guilty of terrorism, murder, rape, treason, and battery may be sentenced by the Courts to do labor without pay. In this scenario the DoC is responsible for containing and caring for the inmates in their workplace. Workplace assignments for inmates sentenced to labor are to be decided by the DoC which will take contracts from the DoI and others. Prisoners will never be required to work in any area of the sex industry including but not limited to, prostitution (with or without pay), stripping, and pornography. Prisoners will not be worked on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Prisoners may not be worked more than 40 hours a week. Prisoners will only be worked if they are deemed able by a competent medical professional. Prisoners may not be conscripted into the Military.