Precept to serve copy of information


New Member
My brother was served with a precept to serve copy of information yesterday and we are trying to figure out what it is? Please and thank you.
My brother was served with a precept to serve copy of information yesterday and we are trying to figure out what it is? Please and thank you.

Your brother should ask his attorney any and all questions he has regarding his criminal case. Posting to random people on the internet, while one is facing criminal charges, is not a wise thing to do
It's a piece of paper with words on it. The words are arranged in such a way as to convey the meaning of the document.

What do the words say?

If he doesn't comprehend the words, he should be talking to a lawyer.

If there is a court name and case number along with his name on the paper, he should definitely talk to a lawyer because something very bad is likely happening.
If there is a court name and case number along with his name on the paper, he should definitely talk to a lawyer because something very bad is likely happening.
Or, perhaps, something very good from a certain perspective.
Not from brother's perspective...but from somebody's.
A precept is another word for a warrant or an order from a judge directed to a specific person.

Served means that the process server (probably a law enforcement officer) served the recipient with process.

Without knowing the context, it is difficult to provide more information.

If you have an attorney, you should ask your attorney.

If not, consider calling or visiting an experienced local defense attorney.

Is your relative on probation or parole?

Is your brother being ordered to pay child support?

Is he current with those payments?

Is your brother behind in paying court ordered fines, fees, or court costs relative to a criminal conviction?

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