President Joe Biden signs presidential pardon for his son Hunter Biden

I don't view this law as much of anything

"Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?"

It's not asking if the purchaser is an illegal addict, just if they are addicted to ______. Alcoholics who celebrate the end of every work day with a sixer, and those who are legally prescribed sleep-, anti-anxiety, ADHD, anti-depressants, are all addicted and disqualified from ownership.

Lets enforce thia law and see what happens

The key phrase in the law you quoted is "controlled substance". Alcohol is not a controlled substance. Most drugs people take in this country are not controlled substances. Most anti-anxiety and anti depressants not controlled substances, including popular and effective options like Zoloft. The list of controlled substances is relatively small compared to how many prescription and over the counter drugs there are in this country. Moreover, most controlled substances are drugs that few people have even heard of, let alone use. The DEA Orange Book lists all current listed controlled substances. Unless the drug you're on is listed in the Orange Book it is not a controlled substance and the user may legally answer no.
That said, I don't doubt that the vast majority of parents, had they possessed the power to pardon their issue of all criminality wouldn't hesitate to do so!!!!!!

Exactly. Regardless of party most presidents and governors will give a pardon to their kids, especially when the crime committed is not a violent one or one of theft or fraud against others, i.e. crimes that did not result in harm to other individuals. I said earlier that politically its a bad look for Biden, but his political career ends at noon Eastern time on January 20, so the pardon won't have any effect on his future. I've no doubt future historians will downgrade his presidency because of it. That's really the only lasting impact of this pardon on the President that I see.
Be It Known, That This Day, I, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States, Pursuant to My Powers Under Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, of the Constitution, Have Granted Unto


A Full and Unconditional Pardon

For those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024, including but not limited to all offenses charged or prosecuted......

It certainly is no surprise that Biden pardoned his son regardless of how many times he said he would not. And how the media praised him for upholding the rule-of-law and that no one was above the law. The media now has egg on their faces. When Hunter plead guilty to the charges, he knew that daddy was going to pardon him.

What I find interesting is the date January 1, 2014. That date takes us back to Ukrainian energy company Burisma that he had leverage because of his father, Joe Biden and the millions Hunter was paid.

It is like an admission that Hunter and Joe were complicit in a crime that were never charged and that we don't know about.

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