Pro Se

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My case against (Phillip Morris, Altria Group) was recently dropped by the law firm that I signed up with. I along with hundreds of others). I was with them close to seven months and it turns out that the Engle Case was the major factor for the dismissal. Needless to say I'm quite upset over this. Calls to Lawyer after Lawyer has finally sunk into my brain that no Lawyer want's a tobacco case. I have done so much research on all of the Phillip Morris lawsuits, and I agree that they are difficult to win. To me it doesn't matter. I'm not long on this earth, but while there's a breath left in me, I'm going to pursue this case. I don't care if I lose. I won't see a penny, but If I do prevail then maybe I can do something for my two daughters that would make life a little easier for them. Last week hauling a ten pound oxygen tank around, I had the gaul to walk into a Law Library, open up a law book to find out what forms I needed to file a complaint, well, that ended that. Will someone please tell me what forms I need to file the complaint. Which court? Federal, or State. Where I can go to pick up the required forms I have been buried in self-help centers for weeks and weeks with no luck. No luck with Internet searchs, because I don't know what to look for. Altria sent me the step by step Litagation procedure on how a case goes to trial. The bottom line is: I am going to represent myself. Isn't there some nice kind attorney out there who can help jump start a 68 year old woman, 4 foot 8, all white hair, attached to an oxygen tank (which by the way is almost taller then herself). and who is at the end stages of COPD. i'm not seeking Punitive damages only Compensation.
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Those are incredibly complex cases; no help on an internet forum will help you.

There are no such things as "forms" to file. You must have a lawyer. If you can't get a lawyer, that means you have no matter who files it.
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