Parole, Probation Probation harrassment?

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New Member
Two things:

One. I was recently released from a federal prison (one year) and have 40 years probation, im 23. On my first visit to the Probation Dept. I was met by a different probation officer then my assgined one. My meeting went like this. Signing papers. Then I asked if I could reduce my sentence. The PO responded by telling me to drop "My shitty Attitude" or im going to be in trouble.
Two: I was confused signed the papers and left. On my next visit I saw my real PO. While signing and going over my probation, unannounced, his supervisoer walked in. He proceded to tell me to "drop the act you dumb shit" since I was asking directions to my therapy. He then proceded to tell me that with forty years and and my "shitty attitude" one of us would be dead and it wasnt going to be him. Confused? I am. Im wondering what action I could take agaisnt them if things get out of control? Can i change officers, or put a restatining order on one of them?
You're under their thumb for four decades. Federal probation is no joke. They can get you revoked. You won't do 40 years, but you'll do some serious time.

Forget trying to place a restraining order on your PO. That'll only get your ears boxed.

Don't try fighting them, you'll lose. Do exactly as told and don't ask directions, that just angers them. You better figure out how to play this game, soon.

Be nice, be polite, don't ask questions, be obedient, and don't ever be late or miss appointments for anything. They own you lock, stock, and barrel for the next 40 years.

You're like chattel to them. You're just another inmate walking in the free world. You're not a free man. You're on "paper"!!!
Thats the worst thing i have ever read.

I suggest you acquaint yourself with the reams of paper you were given upon entering the federal probation program.

The answers you seek are all on the papers you received.

The lesson here is, don't dance with the devil!
Anxiety and depression led to my crime, that is being continued by there actions. So continue the cycle so i can relapse?. Any real legal adive rather then rolling over for these guys?
Thats the worst thing i have ever read.

It is very true.
Learn the terms of your probation and abide by them. Don't do anything that will give them a reason to take you into custody for violating those terms.
If you are having any trouble at all, whether it be a personal problem with the PO or trouble understanding documents or instructions, you should consider working those problems out through an attorney. You will get nowhere arguing with the PO directly.
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