Probation Officer abusing power to harrass & discriminate genderly; and im federally empoyed

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. I have been on probation for almost 2 years for possessed a knife that resembles a brass knuckle type of weapon that i confiscated from a Vietnamese minor in Canoga Park, California. It was meant to be thrown away in the trash but i forgot about it in the bottom of my vehicle console, in which later was found in a traffic stop for unknown reasons. The police officers lied to the judge in which now i am on probation and have been serving probation for almost 2 years now. I was placed on probation April 2015 and later i transferred from Los Angeles County to Ventura County in September or October 2016. This turned into a nightmare quickly as to i only transfered for conviences of my mother having to drive me and she has 2 replaced hips, first 1 replaced in december 2015 and 2nd one replaced this november 2016. I have no other way to transport myself 30 miles upon demands of this Yuki Mori. She frivilously makes demands i come 2-3 times a month and has the lights dimmed upon arrival. She has other officers stalking my customers at my home/business and family members of mine have been followed by law enforcement. She has gone to no end to harrass me and discriminate against my gender (being that i might resemble her ex boyfriends' appearance). The probation officer has been discriminating against me since the first visit i had with her.

.. I checked around more websites and found that the ex boyfriend slightly resembles me, the reason i say that because she has been demanded for unrelated unknown reasons that i goto anger management counselling. My probation terms from my Los Angeles County case says nothing of the sort nor have i in the 2 years almost i been going to probation have i ever been requested such frivolous demands. Anger management counselling is ONLY required for people that have commited domestic violence charges. I have never hurt a fly nor do i have any charges of the sort. I have just proven grounds of a county police officer discriminating toward me (a federally employed contractor). She has no juristiction over me as far as i know. Im sick of the mental abuse i have been tramatized enough in my life by abusive law enforcement. I want her suspended with no pay for a week or whatever you have in mind. This is disturbing that she thinks she can harrass me me cuz i might look like her ex boyfriend. I need this addressed and i demand an urgent swift response to check this situation out. P

i have refrained from using my cell phone/ busineses phone due to the massive ammounts of harrassment phone calls and my PTSD and anxiety is consuming me im tired of being scared and affriad. please help
I redacted your personal details, and the details related to others.

Names, addresses, emails, telephone numbers aren't allowed, nor are they necessary.

No legitimate lawyer trolls our board in pursuit of clients.

Please, post details, facts relative to your question, but leave personal data out, yours and others.

It's for your safety and ours, as we don't wish any lawsuits lodged against us.

As far as your PO, you can file a complaint against her or him with his/her department.
Laptopguy you sound like you have some, uh, issues.

Just HOW do you know what your PO's ex-boyfriend looks like? Sounds like you have been stalking her if you know these types of personal details.

How are you "federally empoyed [SIC]" yet you refer to your "business"? Not that it makes much difference whoever your employer is.

How did the police lie about finding a deadly weapon in your car during a traffic stop? Which leads me to ask - who are you that you are "confiscating" weapons from people?
How did the police lie about finding a deadly weapon in your car during a traffic stop? Which leads me to ask - who are you that you are "confiscating" weapons from people?

Wonderful questions, especially the last one.
I think I know, but this is no time for me to be blabbing, so I'll just STFU and try to learn something. LOL :D
The rime to challenge being put on probation was when you had the court date for your charges. At this point, you are on probation. It is not clear at all what this officer is doing that you feel is discriminatory, but it is not illegal to treat someone differently based on looking like someone you know. Meeting with you 2-3 times a month and recommending anger counseling are not evidence of discrimination.

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