Probation officer spits in my cup

If its got his dna in it then thats proof & he admitted it

DNA testing is time consuming and expensive. Considering that no crime has occurred, nobody is gonig to consider testing for one second. It is simply not a realistic option. Besides, you would have to still compel the probation officer to provide a sample to compare to. It just won't happen. There is no practical reason to hold on to a cup of spit.
Im not. My significant other is.

As long as your significant other resides at your address, the PO is going to come there to see him. So perhaps tell your SO to go live somewhere else...otherwise you're possibly going to have the PO show up at your house. See if your SO can meet the PO at the probation office.

When my ex husband was on probation while we were married, I don't think I ever saw his PO. He claims she came once when I was at work...and then I gave him a chance after our divorce like an idiot and even then I never saw the PO come to my home while he lived with me. I took him to the office to get UAs done when his number was called. But I think wherever the person on probation lives, the PO can show up at any time.

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