Parole, Probation Probation violation and three-year joint suspension

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I would love to have a Good Nite sleep, if some one, can please help my family with some info, it really would help us, from worrying even nite....adout 3 weeks ago, my love one was In the back of a officer car, and he has been in jail, at the Men's Central Jail, in Los Angeles, he is in jail for,Violated probation and there is a Three-year joint suspension, At first court date not much was said, the D.A. Informed the Judge that two weeks is needed for paperwork next court date is on the sixth of this month, we are so worry for him, he has not been doing very Good at all in Jail, and we do know,that know one in jail is havering a Good time,in there, but that's not what I mean, he is very sick, and not getting the care that's he really dose need, What is Going to happing to him on next Court date? :-(
A judge will decide his fate.

California is having money problems.

That will work in his favor.

I suspect the authorities will keep him on ice for a few more days or weeks.

In all likelihood, he'll get a stern lecture about behaving himself, and they'll let him out in 2 to 6 weeks, if he behaves himself in jail.

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Thank you very much for your Advice. This Site is and A+ in my book's and a very helpful tool. To get Tips and much more. :-)
Hey Gypsywoman,

You and I are in the same situation with our loves and joint suspension. My man is also in la county jail. I wonder if they have the same Pd/judge.
I am very interested in corresponding with you during this, We could maybe give each insight?!

I would have messaged you, but I couldn't figure out how!.... Tracy
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