problmes w/ a new management

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New Member
i have several questions.

1. (this is about the past and so maybe too late but ...) i live in Bronx, NY and previously i was paying $650/mon. After a new landlord came in, the rent became $800/mon. taking $650 as a security deposit. Was this (almost 24%) increase legal? or since this is by a new management, it doesnt matter...??

2. the contract was expaired back in NOV. 2002 yet she didnt give me (or forgot) a new agreement until this month (feb.) now she is giving me $825/mon. with still the same $650 as a security deposit starting from this coming March. Do you see something wrong here? I have lived in the apt. w/o contaract from Dec. - Feb. and i have to pay more again!!

3. in the previous contract, hot water was supposed to be supplied by the landlord but i found out that i was actually paying for it (since i am responsible for the heat and so i was also heating my own water) She insisted that i was not paying. Should i have my Gas company check if it was true? If it was false, what can i do now? And the new contract i got this time is not stating who is responsible for hot water. what should i do?

4. i used to have a roommate and my landlord knows it but now i dont and im responsible for the whole rent, which she doesnt know. BUT i plan to have a new roommate soon, would that be a problem?? Do i have to tell her? IF i do, is she likely to change the contract again??? (even thou same"2" people are living in the apt. ) And is she allowed to do so??

please help!! thank you very much
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