Randy moser
New Member
In New York is the property line in middle of the creek bed or in middle of the flow of the water? Property line is middle of the creek with no easements or restrictions
Property has a wide creek bed and most of the rock is smooth so in most sections the water flows freely. The section of creek in question, the water flows only near the other owners side of the land very rapidly down a small fall into a large water hole. The rest of the creek bed in this section only gets water ( maybe and inch) if it rains significantly. Do riparian rights apply? They claim ownership of the swimming hole all of a sudden and said we cant get in it but after researching it seems like we may have rights to use it and the center may be the center of the flow of water? help please
Property has a wide creek bed and most of the rock is smooth so in most sections the water flows freely. The section of creek in question, the water flows only near the other owners side of the land very rapidly down a small fall into a large water hole. The rest of the creek bed in this section only gets water ( maybe and inch) if it rains significantly. Do riparian rights apply? They claim ownership of the swimming hole all of a sudden and said we cant get in it but after researching it seems like we may have rights to use it and the center may be the center of the flow of water? help please