

New York

I'm inquiring for a dear 93 year old friend who lives in New York State. I hope this is the correct forum for these questions.

She has collected social security since her husband passed away over 40 years ago. At first she collected social security disability, medicaid, and food stamps because of a disabling disease. When she became retirement age she collected on her husband's social security, Medicaid, and food stamps.

She was recently told that because she has collected social security benefits, Medicaid, and food stamps that they would take her house and land after she passes for repayment. Prior to this she had a will drawn up dividing the house and a couple of acres amongst her four children.

Can they take her property? Can the will supersede what they want to do? If they are able to do this because of the benefits she has received can she save the property by transferring it to one of her children before she passes? If she can't do this can she sell the property before she passes or will they take the money from the sale? What would be the best course of action in a situation like this?
It all depends on who you mean when you use the pronoun, THEY?
I suggest you HIRE your 93 year old friend an attorney, take her to visit the attorney you've GIFTED her, and support her as she discusses her concerns with the attorney.

If a lien has been placed against her home by social security, yes, social security on behalf of the benevolent United States government has been known to confiscate property upon the death of certain individuals.

There are ways to prevent this, but it won't impact your beloved 93 year old if the US Government seizes her property in the name of the CURRENT or FUTURE US King or Queen upon her future demise.

That said, if the intended heirs value the property, they could offer to pay whatever debt the US Government alleges your 93 year old friend owes!!!!

Or, you could all chip in a $1,000 (or more) and fund that lawyer that might be able to assist your 93 year old friend.
It all depends on who you mean when you use the pronoun, THEY?
I suggest you HIRE your 93 year old friend an attorney, take her to visit the attorney you've GIFTED her, and support her as she discusses her concerns with the attorney.

If a lien has been placed against her home by social security, yes, social security on behalf of the benevolent United States government has been known to confiscate property upon the death of certain individuals.

There are ways to prevent this, but it won't impact your beloved 93 year old if the US Government seizes her property in the name of the CURRENT or FUTURE US King or Queen upon her future demise.

That said, if the intended heirs value the property, they could offer to pay whatever debt the US Government alleges your 93 year old friend owes!!!!

Or, you could all chip in a $1,000 (or more) and fund that lawyer that might be able to assist your 93 year old friend.

Thank you for your reply. By "They" I meant the government. There is not a lien on her property.
A thread of yours from March, 2015 indicates you have a 93 year old Mother & there are 4 children in will same as above. Is this dear friend of yours in this thread your Mother? You & your siblings might want to get her a lawyer.
That's what I thought, but are you sure THEY were sent by the KING, or could they be UNAUTHORIZED "con-artists"?
She said it's the "king" saying this to her.
I also wanted to say if I still lived in the same state I would have brought her to an attorney.
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A thread of yours from March, 2015 indicates you have a 93 year old Mother & there are 4 children in will same as above. Is this dear friend of yours in this thread your Mother? You & your siblings might want to get her a lawyer.
If this was for my mother I would not have a problem saying so.
A lot of people are the same age and may also have the same number of children. Yes, I also have a mother who is 93 but this is someone who has known our family since we were young kids and we think of as family.
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