Purchased a car. Dealership not releasing vehicle


North Carolina

I live in MD and purchased a vehicle in NC at a Honda dealership. I was approved for financing, signed all the paperwork (notorized) and sent everything back to them via FEDEX. I told my salesman that i had arranged for the car to get picked up by a carrier. They got everything in their hands on Wednesday and my carrier arrived on Thursday. They turned him away because they said they won't release the car until funds have been dispersed by the bank. I was beyond livid. I was given the run around and told this was "corporate policy" and yet when I asked them to show this to me in writing, I heard nothing but silence and never received anything.

For whatever reason, they want to wait until the funds are dispersed. I want to back out of the deal. I signed the paperwork but since the funds haven't been dispersed yet, I can walk away, right?
I signed the paperwork but since the funds haven't been dispersed yet, I can walk away, right?


read your purchase documents, especially your sales contract.

You might also consult with your bank or lender to see what suggestions you can glean.

Generally, many dealers want the cash before delivering the goods, or a way to track you and car down easily.

As you live out of state, that makes the dealer's recourse against you harder.
If you are certain you want to back out, do not take delivery of the car.
Contact the lender and try to throw a wrench in things. If they don't get the money, before you know it the dealer will be the one backing .out

read your purchase documents, especially your sales contract.

You might also consult with your bank or lender to see what suggestions you can glean.

Generally, many dealers want the cash before delivering the goods, or a way to track you and car down easily.

As you live out of state, that makes the dealer's recourse against you harder.

I financed the car through the dealer. I didn't seek financing on my own. I told the manager that if I was there in person, I would have drove off with her the car after signing all the paperwork so what's the difference? He kept saying "we would be able to validate"? Validate what? My paperwork was notorized and financing has been approved.

The contract states that there's no "cooling off period" and that cancellation is up to the dealer. The sale has not been finalized since the funds haven't been dispersed so that holds no weight
The sale has not been finalized since the funds haven't been dispersed so that holds no weight

Neither money not property has changed hands. You can likely back out. Tell the dealer you are no longer able to take delivery after they turned away your driver.

Dealership financing or not, contact the lender.
I called the bank and they told me to go through the dealer. I had a friend of mine who's an attorney call the manager on my behalf so I can back out of the deal and he was told that he must send a certified letter from his office that he's representing me- he wouldn't talk to him. By that time the funds will probably be dispursed.

I've started a "fight" and now they won't respond to my emails or return my voicemails. They aren't providing me any type of status update. My salesman was out of town and returns today- I shot him a text letting him know what's going on and he will follow up today. This has been a horrible experience. I understand the dealer wants their money before shipping a car out of state but someone should have told me this BEFORE I signed the paperwork- it was not stated in any of the contracts I signed
Do not take delivery of the vehicle and you will likely have a path out of this.

Try here: Automobiles

The problem is, once the bank disburses the money, the car is no longer their problem- contracts signed, money received. Right? Now it will sit there while I get statements from Wells Fargo every month.

My salesman returns from vacation today. I called him while he was on vacation and told him the deal- he said he will talk to his GM when he returns to see what's going on.

I looked at the paperwork closely and it looks like the deal was financed by Wells Fargo Dealer Services in Charlotte, NC. I'm going to call the office directly

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