Purchased a car online.... what could go wrong

So this is kind of a long story so please bare with me. Im going on memory so my exact dates may be off a little. Everything is stored on my work computer which is not with me.

I purchased a vehicle on Shift.com. the purchase was completed at the end of jan. This is a Ca based company and the car was delivered to NV. The day I got the car I set up an appointment at the Chevy dealership to do a full inspection. The car was in good shape but It had an oil leak at the oil pan gasket, clicking wheel hubs from broken washers, and a heat pump that lets the battery heat the cabin without the motor turning on. The oil pan gasket leak was in the 30 day warranty listed by name. The gasket is 1300+ dollars to replace because the motor has to be lifted to access it. I notified shift and they told me it is a seepage and not a leak so they would not cover it...... WHAT. they also told me it was noted in the inspection. They would also not cover the clicking broken hub washers because it is just making a noise. They would also not cover a part that was going bad (heater) becuase it was not broken all the way.

After months of haggling for the inspection I got it. The report was detailed all the way to noting a pea sized spot in the headliner to chips in the side view and a body panel that was not 100 percent alinged with another. Absolutely no mention of the "seepage". They flat out lied.

If that was not bad enough they also told me in march that the registration was on the way and they had all the paperwork they need from me. More than once they told me they had all the paperwork. After my second moving permit was about to expire (I had a week left) and they were not going to give me a third one. I called them upset, they had to figure out why I didn't receive it. A day later they called me and said that oh no we need a smog cert from me and they were sending me an overnight envelope to send it to them. I said nnnoooooo way am I sending you anything. My DMV appt that was set up months ago because I knew they did not have there crap togeather was still not before the moving permit expired. I had to go to the DMV at 530 am to wait in Line because of covid They were only accepting the first 200 people. So after a full morning of DMV fun I get to a window and register the car.........

Pretty bad right. Once I got to the window the clerk informed me Carson city DMV (main NV DMV) had not received the sales tax I paid shift. The clerk told me to call them. So with the phone on speaker we tried to get an answer from them. The woman told the clerk that they had sent the money to Nevada. The Clerk asked where exactly. She did not know. So I ended up paying 1010.00 dollars to register the car

I want to sue them for the max small claims amount. I think the lieing about the repair constitutes fraud, But mainly I just dont know what state to sue in. CA or NV. They are a CA company but they do business around the country. Any help would be appreciated. Am I over reacting?

Let's start with some useful information about the seller:

Shafted By Shift.com

She did not know. So I ended up paying 1010.00 dollars to register the car

Other than making registration easier, how did you conclude that was a wise thing to do?

They are a CA company but they do business around the country. Any help would be appreciated. Am I over reacting?

Only YOU can decide if you're overreacting.

No two humans react the same way to the same event.

You can sue them in NV or CA.

If you reside in NV, it is easier and lore cost effective to sue the entity where you reside.

The small claims limit for NV is $10K.

You might want to see if one of the TV court shows will take your case.
If you get chosen by one, you'll get a free flight to where the show is filmed, airport transportation, hotel, meal allowance, clothing allowance for your TV debut, and an appearance fee.

If you prevail, you'll receive the award before you fly home from the show.

If you prevail in small claims for $9,000, all you'll receive is a pretty piece of paper with a gold seal.

That is a judgment.
It is up to you to then endeavor to collect that $9K.
However, companies tend NOT to stiff judgment holders.
Most pay up rather quickly.

So, what exactly are your actual damages?
I paid the registration because they had not paid it to the state. They have already conceded that they owe me that much. I did not realize the NV limit was 10,000 dollars. I thought it would be 5 like most other states. It is not the money it is the totality of the story and the incompetence of the company. I have the email where they lie about the gasket being in the inspection.
I paid the registration because they had not paid it to the state. They have already conceded that they owe me that much. I did not realize the NV limit was 10,000 dollars. I thought it would be 5 like most other states. It is not the money it is the totality of the story and the incompetence of the company. I have the email where they lie about the gasket being in the inspection.
Then you could proceed for legal action

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