Q/A Attry Generals filing

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New Member
If the attry generals office has moved forward sending the complaint to the E.E.C.O. they have started a suit and opened an investigation, what other options should i be doing? are their more civil actions i can take, Thanks any info. would be helpful.
If your case is being addressed administratively, I suggest you do nothing.

Be patient and see what happens.
Can you be more specific? Did you file an administrative employment discrimination charge with the Arizona Attorney General's Office ("AG")? Did the AG refer the matter to the EEOC? Did the EEOC start "a suit" on your behalf or merely commence an investigation?

Whether there are additional civil remedies you can pursue depends in large measure on the nature of the alleged discrimination. Equally as important is whether you should pursue any possible judicial remedies at this time.

Without more information, no one here can offer an informed opinion about your existing charge and your possible options.
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