Question about a legal name


New Member
Simple question, but I need to be sure. I have 2 daughters, but I want to only want one to inherit. I understand I need to mention the one I wish to disinherit to make sure she doesn't, but I have lost track of her. She has been married several times (or claimed to be) and I'm not sure of her legal name at this point. Is this important. I don't want to leave any loose ends. Thank you.
Simple question, but I need to be sure. I have 2 daughters, but I want to only want one to inherit. I understand I need to mention the one I wish to disinherit to make sure she doesn't, but I have lost track of her. She has been married several times (or claimed to be) and I'm not sure of her legal name at this point. Is this important. I don't want to leave any loose ends. Thank you.

You need enough information in the will to make it clear what your wishes are. Mention the daughter by her birth name (and birth date, too, if you have it) and the last married name you had for her, and her relationship as your daughter. That should be sufficient for a court to determine what you want. As mentioned by army judge, it's a good idea to consult an estate planning attorney to ensure your will is done correctly and addresses everything you need. There are things that can be useful to put in you will that you may not know about or haven't considered.

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