Question about court procedures


New Member
I am going through court and I was offered one plea and then I absconded and I went I got caught and when I went back to court now they're telling me I have a plea to choose from of three years and 33 days or take it to trial. Shouldn't I get one more plea? Don't people usually get three please before they have to take it to trial?
I am going through court and I was offered one plea and then I absconded and I went I got caught and when I went back to court now they're telling me I have a plea to choose from of three years and 33 days or take it to trial. Shouldn't I get one more plea? Don't people usually get three please before they have to take it to trial?

LOL, in the future DON'T play any game before you learn the rules.

As far as ANY plea offer, it's always up to the prosecutor.

Criminal procedure, nor does any state law require the prosecutor to offer anyone a plea.

If you piss the prosecutor off, or she just doesn't like the way you wear your hair, you probably won't get a plea, at least a good plea.

That said, any plea offer and subsequent plea deal must always be approved by the trial judge.
I am going through court and I was offered one plea and then I absconded and I went I got caught and when I went back to court now they're telling me I have a plea to choose from of three years and 33 days or take it to trial. Shouldn't I get one more plea? Don't people usually get three please before they have to take it to trial?

You ARE getting one more plea: a choice between 3yrs 33 days or take it to trial.

You are free to ask for something else but I don't see you in a very good bargaining position, especially if they add flight to avoid prosecution to the charges.

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