Question about CP's rights when NCP has visitation

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I have physical and legal custody of my two year old daughter. Her mother has visitation. According to the parenting plan, the NCP has our daughter once a week and every other weekend. My concern is that the NCP is letting her mother who has been in and out of prison most of her life for meth addiction watch our daughter during the NCP's visitation time. Do I have any say in who takes care of her while the NCP has her?
If it is not in the parenting plan you do not CURRENTLY have any right to interfere with the visit. If you really think it is that important you can make a Motion to Modify the parenting plan and attempt to exclude grandma from being alone with the child.
Ypu have really no say on what mom does HOWEVER you can certainly file a motion to court to prohibit this woman from watching your child alone, unsupervised.
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