Question about privacy at work

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Sarah Becker

New Member
My managers recently said that with our new security cameras it is possible to zoom in and see exactly what you are doing on your cell phone. So, if we have down time and I pull out my phone to send a text or typing in my credit card information something, if they wanted to they could zoom in and read exactly what i am typing. The fact that they even know this is possible makes me wonder if they have done it. Is that even legal to do? The cell phones are PERSONAL cell phones NOT work provided.
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It is unlikely that the cameras have this ability. I wouldn't worry much about it.
I agree it is best to just not use your personal cell phone on the job at all. I suspect that is the message behind the comment you received about the cameras zooming ability.
It is HIGHLY unlikely that the cameras are THAT good. Your employer wants you to THINK that that is the case. That being said, still, limit being on your personal phone at work.
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