Question in regards to Alimony and Child Support

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New Member
I have a question and I hope someone can help me with. My wife and I got divorced in Feb of 2005. We have two kids ages 4 and 7. We did not go through the courts to decide alimony or child support because she knew that I would never not pay her and there was no point in letting a judge decide on how much, how often and so on. My question is, my kids are disabled and because of the large amount of care she gives them she is unable to work but she lives very comfotably on the kids social security disability and the money I give her. I have helped her fix her credit to the point where she can finally finance a home. The problem is with the 1260 a month between the boys social security money she doesn't have enough income to qualify even though her credit is pretty good. How do I go about getting a doccument that outlines what I pay her between alimony and child support so she can qualify for a home? You will be happy to know I am caught up on child support and alimony for the next 30 years but I just want her to know the thrill of having her own home that she can call hers and I want to make sure I do everything I can to make that happen. Any advice will be greatley appreciated. I have to have some kind of legal doccument to prove to them that what I pay her will be counted as income towards the payment of the mortgage.
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