Question: Is it Legal to attend a public school for a day?

Greg Stoger

New Member
New Jersey
I was curious if I could attend a public school for the day. Currently, I'm a student in school in Trenton, however, next year, I'll be moving to Montclair. I wanted to see what going to school there is like and how the environment is. Regardless, can I call this school and request a visit? Are they obligated to give me a chance to see what things are like there for a day? Or am I supposed to just go in blind for next year? If I call and get no response, is it okay to just show up in the morning and attend classes?

In any case, I was hoping you all could lend some insight into the legality of going into a public school for the day.
can I call this school and request a visit?

Your parents must make the call and the request if you aren't 18 years of age today.

If you are already 18 years of age, or will be 18 years of age tomorrow, you can make the call and ask.

Currently, I'm a student in school in Trenton, however, next year, I'll be moving to Montclair.

Your IP address reveals you're posting from Cleveland, Ohio.

A NJ school district owes you NO legal obligation.

You are a resident of Ohio, not NJ.

Again, if you area minor, your parents must make the call.

These days you must be prepared to show POSITIVE ID, meaning US gubmint or state gubmint issued ID with your picture.

A background check will be conducted to make sure you (and your parents) aren't prohibited from being around CHILDREN/MINORS.

Are they obligated to give me a chance to see what things are like there for a day?

They aren't obligated to do anything for you, as you don't reside in their district.

My wife is a high school principal, and their district encourages transferring students and their parents to visit their campuses and learn about the school.

Ask politely and you shall very often receive.

Or am I supposed to just go in blind for next year?

You could do that, too.
You are a mighty, powerful human being.
I'm sure you have the spirit to achieve whatever your mind can conceive.

If I call and get no response, is it okay to just show up in the morning and attend classes?

I doubt that the school would fail to answer during normal school hours.

You and your parents can show up unannounced, if you're polite and courteous, I'm pretty sure you'll get a tour.

I was hoping you all could lend some insight into the legality of going into a public school for the day.

You can't attend a school in a district in which you don't reside.

You'll probably be able to visit the school, take a tour, and discuss an educational plan with a counselor.
Let's be clear.

There is no law that prohibits what you describe. Therefore, it is legal,

However, it is also not a right. The school can decline your request, and no law exists that you can invoke to require them to allow it.

If the school says you may, then you may. If the school says you may not, then you may not. If the school says you may, but only if x, y and z, then you must fulfill x, y and z. ,

Fail to comply with what the school says, and your next question will be on the illegality of Trespassing.

It really is that simple.
can I call this school and request a visit?

We have no way of knowing what your abilities are. However, unless you are incapable of speech, then yes, you can call the school and request anything you like.

Are they obligated to give me a chance to see what things are like there for a day?

I doubt anyone here has any extensive knowledge of New Jersey education laws, but it is almost certain that the school has no legal obligation to allow you to attend for a day.

Or am I supposed to just go in blind for next year?

You mean like you did when you started attending your current school and like millions upon millions of kids have done in the past when transferring from one school to another?

If I call and get no response, is it okay to just show up in the morning and attend classes?

Well...I suppose it is, in theory, possible that you could sneak into classes unnoticed. However, I would imagine that if any teacher who notices you in class will ask why you're there and who you are and, unless you dupe the teacher by lying, the teacher will ask you to leave and go to the school office. Or they could call campus security to take you into custody.

In any case, I was hoping you all could lend some insight into the legality of going into a public school for the day.

It probably would be illegal to do what you are suggesting without permission of the school administration, but nothing else you describe would be illegal.

Your parents - not you - need to call the school office and ask what might be permissible. Your time probably would be better spent actually attending classes at the school you presently attend.

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