Question regarding final divorce paperwork & exhibits


New Member
I am currently in the final stages of an uncontested divorce. I signed and had notarized the "Martial Settlement and Separation Agreement" prepared by my soon to be ex-wife's attorney (I do not have an attorney). This divorce is happening in a Missouri court.

A few days ago, i received a "Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage" for me to sign and have notarized. On one of the pages an "exhibit A" and "exhibit B" is referenced regarding property and marital debt. . However, no exhibits were attached, and my wife said they are referring to the earlier "Martial Settlement and Separation Agreement" and so I don't need them, and the judge would have them, not me. On the surface this makes no sense to me,

My question is: Shouldn't paperwork for dissolution of marriage that references exhibits have to include those exhibits since I am being requested to sign this final paperwork? Without the refenced exhibits being attached for my review for accuracy and my records how can this be legal or even fair to me?

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can lend.
I signed and had notarized the "Martial Settlement and Separation Agreement" prepared by my soon to be ex-wife's attorney (I do not have an attorney).

Many people who've don't it without an attorney end up regretting it.

Why not spend a few hundred NOW to save several thousands later and hire yourself a lawyer to review the documents before you sign?

On the surface this makes no sense to me,

That is WHY signing any of those documents without consulting an attorney is an insanely stupid idea.

My question is: Shouldn't paperwork for dissolution of marriage that references exhibits have to include those exhibits since I am being requested to sign this final paperwork? Without the refenced exhibits being attached for my review for accuracy and my records how can this be legal or even fair to me?

It is NEVER smart to sign something that appears to be incomplete.

It is NEVER wise to sign something unless you FULLY understand what you're agreeing to do.
On one of the pages an "exhibit A" and "exhibit B" is referenced regarding property and marital debt. . However, no exhibits were attached, and my wife said they are referring to the earlier "Martial Settlement and Separation Agreement" and so I don't need them,

Your wife is your enemy. Never take legal advice from your enemy. She could be trying to pull a fast one on you.

Shouldn't paperwork for dissolution of marriage that references exhibits have to include those exhibits since I am being requested to sign this final paperwork?

Hell, yes.

Without the refenced exhibits being attached for my review for accuracy and my records how can this be legal or even fair to me?

It's legal if you go along with it and fair is where you go on rides and eat cotton candy. Fair has nothing to do with divorce.

If you want to continue doing this without your own attorney (not recommended) call up your wife's attorney and have him/her email you Exhibits A and B. Don't sign anything until you get them.

And make sure you keep copies of all those documents.
On one of the pages an "exhibit A" and "exhibit B" is referenced regarding property and marital debt. . However, no exhibits were attached, and my wife said they are referring to the earlier "Martial Settlement and Separation Agreement" and so I don't need them, and the judge would have them, not me. On the surface this makes no sense to me,

My question is: Shouldn't paperwork for dissolution of marriage that references exhibits have to include those exhibits since I am being requested to sign this final paperwork?

Yes. Call her lawyer and ask him/her to send you the exhibits.

Without the refenced exhibits being attached for my review for accuracy and my records how can this be legal or even fair to me?

It's legal because there's no law that says it's not. It's fair (whatever that means) because you have the ability to act in your own self-interest by not signing without getting the exhibits.

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