Diversion is an alternative to conviction, so you will not get a criminal record as long as you complete what you are told to do. You can only get it if it is your first criminal offense. Just make sure you complete what you have to do or the court will put you on trial and convict you. Completing diversion will let you come out of this with a clean slate, so to speak.
However, you may still have a record of arrest on file that can be found through a background check. The thing is, an arrest does not automatically mean you commited a crime, only suspected of something. I think you can get an arrest record expunged later on, though.
If you have already been accepted into college, that means you already answered any questions pertaining to arrests or convictions on the application, so you are past that. You'll just have to work your schedule to include both your college courses and diversion and community service. Remember, get through what you have to do, avoid a criminal record, and you can have a second chance at a clean life.
Please tell me the details on diversion and community service. I will probably have to do the same. Are you going to have to go once a week for diversion? Is it a set class that you must attend? What does your community service consist of? Who tells you what to do? Do you do it on weekdays or weekends?