Questions on Restricted License

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Hey guys, im 19 and in California. I have a question for any who have ever had , or know abut a restricted license, something I currently have. During court yesterday, I was issued a one year restricted license as result of A Minor In Posession of Alcohol. At first the judge stated i was to only drive to school and work, but then i brought it to her attention that i live with my grandmother, and i am her only way of getting to the doctors, not to mention i do 100% of her grocery shopping. The Judge agreed to allow me to go to grocery stores and medical appointments. My question is what are my limits to doing grocery shopping. Am i limited to Grocery stores which are around my house? I ask cause i frequently go to Cosco wholesale which is roughly 8 miles from house, even though there is a safeway 8 or 9 blocks away. Also, what constitues a grocery store? 7-11? Target? (they do have sections dedicated to grocerys)

Also, my dad is a registerd california doctor, though he is quite old (68), and for a long time now (since i started driving when i was 17) i have visited him on sundays (i dont live with my dad) rather then he drive to my house. If pulled over, would a valid argument being i was going to my dad who is my doctor (he is in a sense though he is not a general doctor, but a Nural Surgeon. I will ussually go to him unless i am really sick).

If anyone can please give me an idea of what the restrictions are when it comes to these things, or maybe a link to the exact statute when it comes to this, or even who i could contact to find out the exact details. I dont want to get screwed because i understood the law to be different then it acctually was.
I would ask the court to pull up your file and tell you exactly how they are keeping track of those specific restrictions. It sounds to me that the court is just being very lenient with you, and any time you are driving can be explained away as an errand you are running for your grandmother, unless you are stopped and it's obvious you are joyriding.
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