Quit claim question

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We have a quit claim deed on our home. The home was actually purchased by a former employer. When I became ill and could not work for them 7-days a week, 12-18 hours a day anymore, our problems began immediately.

We have invested around 30,000 in remodeling the home. We actually put it on the market as soon as I left employment with them and had it priced so that we would not make a dime off of it, it would just be paid off.

We paid our payments faithfully for 2 years, even paid more than the required payment. Two months ago the company I was working for went under and my payroll check bounced twice. I immediately contacted the owner's wife (who is the former boss), sent her the copy of the check that bounced, the bank records, and told her I was looking for another job and if they wanted us to, we would move rather than be here a month or two and owe them. She said no way did they want us to move and the house be empty. She said she totally understood the situation and when we got caught up, that would be fine.

It took 2 months to get another job and get paid and we only missed 2 payments. In the meantime the taxes came due and we spoke with our county and they told us it was fine to pay late, there was just a small penalty. We actually got caught up enough to resume payments next week.

Yesterday we got a letter from the husband saying because the taxes weren't paid on time, we were in breach of contract and he would now take further legal action. He listed sums of money he wanted immediately, including 25.00 for sending out the letter! In total, he wants 1800 by the end of the month. I notified him that we would move, because there was no way I could get that amount by next week. My mother-in-law said it sounds like to her they want the house themselves to sell for a profit from all of the work we did (including total rewiring). Our contract states if we leave, we would owe 2 months of payments, which I would have paid the back payments owed anyway regardless of whether we leave or not.

Can the owner negate the deed just like that even though his wife said what we worked out was absolutely fine? I have no problem with moving at all but I don't like being bullied when we were d**mned good paying people.
We have a quit claim deed on our home. The home was actually purchased by a former employer. When I became ill and could not work for them 7-days a week, 12-18 hours a day anymore, our problems began immediately.

We have invested around 30,000 in remodeling the home. We actually put it on the market as soon as I left employment with them and had it priced so that we would not make a dime off of it, it would just be paid off.

We paid our payments faithfully for 2 years, even paid more than the required payment. Two months ago the company I was working for went under and my payroll check bounced twice. I immediately contacted the owner's wife (who is the former boss), sent her the copy of the check that bounced, the bank records, and told her I was looking for another job and if they wanted us to, we would move rather than be here a month or two and owe them. She said no way did they want us to move and the house be empty. She said she totally understood the situation and when we got caught up, that would be fine.

It took 2 months to get another job and get paid and we only missed 2 payments. In the meantime the taxes came due and we spoke with our county and they told us it was fine to pay late, there was just a small penalty. We actually got caught up enough to resume payments next week.

Yesterday we got a letter from the husband saying because the taxes weren't paid on time, we were in breach of contract and he would now take further legal action. He listed sums of money he wanted immediately, including 25.00 for sending out the letter! In total, he wants 1800 by the end of the month. I notified him that we would move, because there was no way I could get that amount by next week. My mother-in-law said it sounds like to her they want the house themselves to sell for a profit from all of the work we did (including total rewiring). Our contract states if we leave, we would owe 2 months of payments, which I would have paid the back payments owed anyway regardless of whether we leave or not.

Can the owner negate the deed just like that even though his wife said what we worked out was absolutely fine? I have no problem with moving at all but I don't like being bullied when we were d**mned good paying people.

What does your written agreement state? I think that you should try to get the $1,800 as soon as you can in some fashion. But why do you have only a quitclaim deed on the house?
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