quit with password and worked in unsafe environment

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I recently quit a company. I had written a program for them and the program works just fine. There was a password on the program so no one will mess up the program. I had already resigned pretty much the same day I gave them my notice. Now they are calling me for the password am I required to give them that password. They said that even though I wrote the program the program is still belongs to them even if I wrote it at home. They said they need the password and if I don't give it to them that there may be a lawsuit. The program is at the work place I deleted any programs at my personal home computer because I wanted nothing to do with the company anymore. Am I required to give them the password? Can they do anything to me when the program works. I made it at home on my own time and brought it to the company. There is nothing wrong with the program they just want the password to learn how I made the program using all the calculations behind it. Does the password belong to the company also or just the program.

Wouldn't it be like buying a software and demanding the software company to tell them any password or unblock anything because they bought the software?????
I recently quit a company. I had written a program for them and the program works just fine. There was a password on the program so no one will mess up the program. I had already resigned pretty much the same day I gave them my notice. Now they are calling me for the password am I required to give them that password. They said that even though I wrote the program the program is still belongs to them even if I wrote it at home. They said they need the password and if I don't give it to them that there may be a lawsuit. The program is at the work place I deleted any programs at my personal home computer because I wanted nothing to do with the company anymore. Am I required to give them the password? Can they do anything to me when the program works. I made it at home on my own time and brought it to the company. There is nothing wrong with the program they just want the password to learn how I made the program using all the calculations behind it. Does the password belong to the company also or just the program.

Wouldn't it be like buying a software and demanding the software company to tell them any password or unblock anything because they bought the software?????

Now they are thinking about taking me to court for not giving them a password for a program I had written. I had posted another thread in hiring and firing about the password situation.

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